OnePlus 5 Leaked GeekBench Scores Outdo Snapdragon 835-Powered Samsung Galaxy S8+ If the leaked GeekBench scores are to be believed, the upcoming flagship from OnePlus outperforms two other smartphones that also feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC, which is expected to be present on OnePlus 5 as well. As per a leaked screenshot, obtained by GSMArena, the OnePlus 5 smartphone got itself an impressive score of 1963 (single-core) and a gigantic 6687 score (multi-core). Interestingly, the multi-core results helped the phone in securing top spot at the GeekBench 4 list as well. In terms of single core performance, the phone only lagged behind Apple's iPhone 7 Plus and the Exynos 8895 processor variant of the Samsung Galaxy S8+ smartphone. This shouldn't come as a surprise as the Exynos variant of the Galaxy S8+ was able to outperform its Snapdragon 835 counterpart in earlier benchmark tests as well. In comparison, Samsung's Galaxy ...
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