HP claims Windows phone more secure than Android Android has been the choice for majority number of smartphone makers, and that’s the major reason how Google’s platform managed to grab a market share of 80 per cent. HP Elite X3 is touted as company's super flagship device that runs on windows 10 Microsoft on the other hand is committed to working with its partners on enhancing the Windows 10 Mobile experience. HP has already launched its super flagship Elite X3 with Windows 10 Mobile, although Android could have offered much more features than Microsoft’s operating system. HP is a statement for onMSFT said that adoption of Windows 10 Mobile over Android was mostly based on security reasons, as the company wanted Elite X3 to excel in the security department. Slideshows provided by HP show that Windows 10 Mobile is much more secure than Android. The fragmentation of the Android OS is also one of the reasons HP chose Windows 10 Mobile over Google’s OS. HP...
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